We’re huge fans of the Sonos wireless devices that bring the boom to our rooms without the huge setup hassle that is typically associated with wireless devices. That said, the all-new Play: 1 Wireless Speaker has us considering all of the nooks and crannies in our current residence that do not already have the Sonos hook-up. Smaller than the Play:3 and Play:5 units, this new unit still promises HiFi sound over WiFi. With two distinct and tuned Class D amps on-board, one 3.5″ mid-woofer to deliver the deep bass, and one tweeter to handle the high-frequencies, this puppy is ready to pump music into the smaller places of your house or office. Because it’s humidity-resistant, we immediately thought of the bathroom! However, at just a smidge over 4.5″ wide and 6.25″ tall, we’re sure you’ll find a place for it. $199 including a free Sonos Bridge.